What is the USPSA Mastery Program?
A year long competitive shooting course originally published in the best selling book, Your Competiton Handgun Training Program.  Watch the video for a detailed description. 
A Preview Of What Is Inside Your Competition Handgun Training Program:
Dry Fire vs. 
Live Fire Drills
Live Fire Drill: 
5 Shot Warm Up Drill
Live Fire Drill: 
Extending Prep & Press
Live Fire Drill: 
Horizontal Prep & Press
Check Out All The Skills You'll Work On:
• Your Draw
• Reloading
• Target Acquisitions
• Trigger Touch
• Controlled vs Accelerated Pull
• Strong Hand Grip
• Pivoting / Moving & Drawing
• Moving & Reloading
• Shooting While Off Balance
• The Firing Cycle
• Short Movements
• Entering & Exiting Positions
• Proper Body Movement
• Using The Stop Markers
• Shooting On The Move
• Target Acquisition
• Moving Quickly to Different Ports / Positions
• Shooting & Hitting at Long Distance
• Goal Setting
• Dry Fire Training
• Technical Training Speed
• Live Fire Training
• Physical Fitness
• Visual Training
What People Are Saying About This Program:
This is by far the best training program you will find that will get you to your next level in USPSA and IDPA. It is the ONLY program you'll find that takes this in-depth of a systematic approach to improving your skills. There is nothing else on the market like it! 
AND When You Order Today, You'll Get $91 In Bonuses For FREE:
Bonus #1: New Shooter 10-Part Basic Handgun Video Series ($37 Value)
Bonus #2: Stage Breakdown Video Series ($27 Value)
Bonus #3: Competition Shooting Technique Primer ($27 Value)
OFFER RECAP: This power program bundle will show you the concepts, routines and drills necessary to win the more competition shooting matches... You'll get a 300+ Page Program Manual, Drills eBook, eLogbook, 35 Instructional Videos AND these 2 Competitive Shooting Bonuses Courses with over 3 hours of additional competition training when you order today including:
     - BONUS #1: New Shooter 10-Part Basic Handgun Video Series
     - BONUS #2: Stage Breakdown Video Series
     - BONUS #3: Competition Shooting Technique Primer
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Normally $127 :: Today Only $67
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From: Mike Seeklander, Professional Firearms Instructor

Former U.S. Marine, Federal Air Marshall, Police Officer and Federal firearms instructor. Currently I'm ranked as a Grandmaster in multiple divisions by the USPSA (United States Practical Shooting Association) and a Distinguished Master by the IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Association). 

I'm a nationally ranked competitor on the practical handgun competition circuit with numerous wins at major matches including the 2018 and 2019 IDPA Nationals in ESP (Enhanced Service Pistol) Division, Two (2) BUG (Back up gun) aka “carry gun” IDPA National Titles, One (1) Production Division World Speed Shooting Championship Title, Ten+ (10) Area Championships, and estimated Twenty (20) State Championships.
Dear Competitive Shooter,

This training program will take you to the next level in your skill development. I hope that it helps you accomplish your shooting goals, and teaches you how to train.  

It is a comprehensive program that contains:
          • Planning/Goal Setting Concepts
          • A Full Mental Training Routine
          • Firearm Training Drills (including a full week by week training program)
          • Daily Training Plans
          • Monthly Training Matrix
          • Training Log Sheets
          • Visual Training Sessions
          • Physical Fitness Guidelines
          • Game Day Quizzes (Matches)
          • Yearly Plan
          • And more!
This program is complete and ready for you to execute now, and if you’ll work it...it’ll result in your success!
The program is a year in length, as I will address and assign you things to do in your off season. The live fire (in season) training cycle will be sixteen (16) weeks in length. I will also give you some tips on maintaining your skills after you have finished the 16 week cycle. 
You will complete the program over an entire shooting season, which for almost all shooting sports is from February through October.
I recommend that you set yourself a target date so that you can finalize your 16-week program a month or more before the biggest match you plan to shoot in the season. This will allow you to modify and fine-tune your skills, so that you peak and are at your best during that big match.
"Mike has managed to pave a very defined and logical path to success...one that I’m confident that anyone who is interested in improving their shooting will benefit from. I only wish he would have written this book 15 years ago!" - Phil Strader, Former President of the USPSA
What's Inside the Program
(35-Videos, 3-Hours)
 11 Dry Fire Drills 
 13 Live Fire Drills
 Competition Handgun Training Program
 Competition Handgun Training Drills 
 Competition Handgun Training Logbook
Your Competition Handgun Training Program Book is the most in-depth guide on the topic ever created that actually gives you actionable steps to improve your skills.
Chapter1: Introduction To The Program
 Overview of the Program including Program Length, Techniques Covered & Training Modules in the Program
 Pieces of the Program And How To Use Them (Yearly Plan, Training Matrix, Daily Training Plan, Training Drills, Log Sheets) 
 Program Principles (principles of an effective training program)
Chapter 2: Setting Your Goals
 Goal setting will be a critical aspect of realizing your desires, and will be a big portionof the planning process needed to ensure your success
 Goes over the Three (3) types of goals that you need to have in place to reach an overall goal
 Discusses how to write down your goals
Chapter 3: Dry Fire Training Module
 Dry fire training allows you to work on your manipulation skills from anywhere - theses are the skills you need to practice until your muscles memorize the movements so that they work the way you want them to under stress in matches
 You will practice and work on your TTS (Technical Training Speed) and your MTTS (Maximum TTS) 
 Drills come with easy to follow instructions with images on how to perform each drill
Chapter 4: Live Fire Training Module
 You will follow different live fire schedules based on if you are in post-, pre- or during-season training
 You will have Micro drills that focus on individual movements and Macro drills that focus on working multiple movements together
 Drills come with easy to follow instructions with images and videos on how to perform each drill
Chapter 5: Mental Toughness Routine
 Understand the difference between Mental Toughness vs. Mental Connection
 I will go over the Mental Toughness Routine (breathing exercises, success statement, self imagebooster, visualizations)
 Understandthe difference between Active vs. Passive visualization
Chapter 6: Physical Fitness
 I'll go over Physical Fitness Basics (strength, cardiovascular, plyometric andflexibility training)
 I will show you how to analyze your needs a build a specific program that meets those needs
 I'll cover Common Mistakes to avoid made by shooters in their fitness programs
Chapter 7: Visual Training Module
Not many of us were born with the desire to harm others. Therefore, this chapter will:
 I'll go over the skills trained in the Visual Training System(Static/Dynamic Visual Acuity, Visual Motor Skills, Perceptual Skills, Decisive Skills & Peripheral Awareness)
 I'll help you under what these Visual Skillsare and why it's important to work on each one
 I'll provide Vision Training Drills to get your vision skills working at their max
Chapter 8: Cross-Training Module
This chapter covers the benefits of cross-training and how to use these same training principles for USPSA/IDPA to another specialty like Steel Challenge and the Bianchi Cup.
Chapter 9: Documenting Paperwork
This chapter covers an overview of why training logs are so important in your development and how to use the training logs I've created to track your dryfire, live fire and match progress.
Chapter 10: Game Day Performance
Before going into your match, it's helpful to have a system in place to make sure your head is in the right place.
 Covers Pre-Game Preparation, During-Game Actions and Post-Game Activities for a solid match routine
(BONUS Chapter 1) Selecting & Setting Up Your Guns & Gear
In this chapter will show you how to pick the proper equipment including the key ingredient,firearms. I will try to show you how to avoid the equipment race, and try to give you some tips ongear. I'll then cover some modifications you can do to your gun and gear to give you an upper hand.
(BONUS Chapter 2) Supporting Your Activities Through Sponsorship
Successful sponsorship is about understanding the sales and marketing processes of thecompanies that you wish to represent and get sponsored by
 I go over the performance standards you need to hit in order to have sponsors take an interest in you
 I cover how to collect leads and do your part to make companies know you are already supporting their gear
 I explain the Athlete / Sponsorship relationship and how to make a mutually beneficial partnership
Ready to take your Competitive Shooting skills to the next level? Press the Green "YES" Button Below!
What People Are Saying On Amazon About Your Competition Handgun Training Program
Click here to Buy this book on Amazon for $36.95 or Click the Green "YES" Button Below to get the Complete Training Program Including The Program Book, Drills Book, Training Logbook and 2-Disc DVD for 51% OFF PLUS FREE USA SHIPPING!
Everything You'll Get With Your Competition Handgun Training Program
  • Downloadable Access To All 35 Technique & Firearm Drill Training Videos ($127 Value) - Be able to easily train at home or download and take to the gym or range with you on your phone or tablet
  • Downloadable Access To All Current & Future Competitive Handgun Live Training Session Replays ($67+ Value)
  • Your Competition Handgun Training Program 300+ Page PDF ($37 Value)
  • Your Competition Handgun Training Drills Book  PDF so you don't have to scroll through big program book to the range ($17 Value)
  • Training Log PDF To Keep Track Of Your Improvements ($17 Value)
  • BONUS Visual Training System PDF that addresses developing your visual skills to the next level. The faster you can see, the faster you can recognize and shoot. ($17 Value)
  • BONUS Handgun Skills Test that is great to take before you begin the program (if you already have some experience), as well as during your use of my program to measure where you are in terms of skill ($17 Value)
  • Shooting Performance Members Only Private Facebook Group (Priceless)
That's $306 in Competitive Shooting Training Tools AND when you CLAIM your copy of Your Competition Handgun Training Program TODAY, I'll give you this additional $91 in BONUS TRAINING for FREE!
New Shooter CoolFire Trainer Handgun 10-Part Video Series
$37 Value
ALL top shooters supplement live fire training with dryfire because they can do it anywhere and still keep their skills sharp. This will help you make the most of your at home dryfire training. 
Stage Breakdown Video Series
$27 Value
This will help you understand what's going on in my head when I'm going through a stage so you can start thinking differently and becoming more aware of everything involved with successfully completing stages.
Competition Shooting Technique Primer PDF
$27 Value
To Recap: That's $397 of PREMIUM Competitive Handgun Training that's helped me win nearly 30 STATE/AREA CHAMPIONSHIPS and 3 IDPA National Titles for ONLY $67!
MY GUARANTEE TO YOU: I'm so confident that this course will get you reaching your competition handgun goals faster than any other program out there, I'm ALSO giving you a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee! That's right, if after the first 60-Days of following the program you aren't faster, more accurate and more confident with your competitive shooting skills, send me an email and I'll give you a no-questions-asked refund. 
Press the Green "YES" Button Below to take the first step in beginning Your Competition Handgun Training Program!
Where Firearms Skills Are Developed
If you asked all shooters this question, 95% of them would probably say, "On the range while you are shooting." 
The 5% of the shooters who said something different are probably the professionals (Professional Shooters and Warriors) who know the real answer.
They would tell you that skill is developed in multiple areas such as dry fire practice, live fire practice, mental (focus) practice, and supplemental training such as physical fitness training, visual training, and proper planning.
This skill would obviously be accompanied during its development by learning correct "tactics" for the individual's environment.
In terms of shooting I personally think the majority of skill needed to manipulate and fire a handgun with a high level of skill can be developed with proper instruction and then a relentless amount of dry fire practice, with very little live fire.
Even so, reaching a high level of skill is much easier if the end user takes a systematic approach to training rather than a linear approach and just focusing on one area at a time. If I had to chart what was important to skill development I would draw it like this:
Notice that dry fire practice is the biggest area. Just dry firing and manipulating your firearm with the proper training drills will dramatically increase you ability because manipulation of the weapon is one of the most important areas of skill you will need to develop.
The great news is that dry fire manipulation training can be done almost anywhere, and without spending a dime on ammunition.
As long as you recognize its limitations, dry fire training will be a big key to your future success. 
I know of at least one top shooter who has built world level skill without firing more than about two thousand rounds per year (and most times much less). 
Live fire training sessions should ultimately be reserved for the improvement of the firing cycle, which is the process of controlling recoil, manipulating the trigger, and monitor the alignment of the gun while doing the first two (through the sights if necessary).
I design almost all of my training drills to improve different elements of the firing cycle while still supporting the manipulation skills built during dry fire.
The better you are at doing these things, the better you will be at hitting your target.
The cycle might be slightly different for different guns. I expand on the technique and mechanics behind this cycle in the technique section. A visual example of what the firing cycle consists of can be seen in this flow chart: 
Ready to take your Competitive Shooting skills to the next level? Press the Green "YES" Button Below!
What Makes Up A Good Training Program:
The Six Areas of Success
In order for a training program to be effective, you must consistently practice all your skills in different ways.
The following is the minimum I recommend if you are very serious and want to really increase your skill over a shooting season. The program can/should be repeated over multiple seasons, and one of the later chapters of this book discusses the process of reviewing your season notes and modifying your program.
The program consists of three separate phases of training. These three phases will increase indifficulty as you go through the program. Phase II and III will include tougher drills because ofthe increased distances and more complex drills. 
All training drills are simple, yet effective.

There are six key areas that you will focus on to ensure your success. They are: 
     • Live Fire Training
     • Dry Fire Training 
     • Visual Training 
     • Mental Training
     • Physical Fitness 
     • Game Day Quizzes (Matches)
Live Fire: Three (3) One-Hour Live Fire Sessions Per Week
Dry Fire: Three+ (3-5) 15-Minute  Dry Fire Sessions Per Week to Focus on Manipulation Skills
Visual Training: Three (3) 20-Minute Visual Training Sessions Per Week
Mental Toughness Routine: Weekly mental toughness routines to help you connect better with what you are doing and perform on demand
Physical Fitness: Three (3) One-Hour Physical Fitness Training Sessions Per Week
Matchs: One (1) Club / Local Match Per Month as a Way To Assess Our Skills and See If Our Program Is Working. Evaluating your skill by taking small "quizzes" along the way is the key.
The symbiotic effect of doing all of these training modules in a systematic manner will increase your skill more than the raw results of the area alone. 
Your training program is a systematic set of processes that will give you the skills needed to reach your goal, rather than a random set of practice sessions that are unlikely to work as well. 
You will make much more progress with this program than just by doing random training drills.
Frequently Asked Questions
I thought that you would have some questions, so I have decided to try and address them before you ask (once you have read this program, I am available for you if you have further questions—simply visit my website and email me or fill out the question form). They are as follows:
“This program is very detailed and specific. Is it necessary for me to follow it exactly?”
Answer: I recommend that you follow the program as closely as possible for the first 16weeks or more. I have done the work for you in this program, so you can focus on training! Small modifications are OK, but give the whole program a chance to succeed before you start modifying it.
“Can I use my own drills or drills from programs like Rob Leatham’s drillmaster, etc. with this program?” 
Answer: Yes, you may supplement the program with other drills as long as you have taken the time to ensure the additional drill is well designed. Do the drills that I have assigned in this program, and then add some additional drills to your training sessions if you choose to do so.
The drills don’t seem complex, like a stage would be. Will they teach me what I need to know?
Answer: Yes, you might be able to build and do more complicated drills, but all of mine are designed with the minimalist concept in mind. I know most of you have very limited time, equipment, and range limitations that require simple yet effective drills to do the job. With four targets, a few props, and key information I promise to teach you more with my drills than you would learn by setting up and shooting complex stages. I believe you should develop your skills and think of them like pieces of a puzzle. When you have to “put the puzzle together” i.e. shoot a complex stage, simply pick the pieces you need and fit them together.
How do I refer to the drills while at the range?
Answer: You can certainly take the book with you, but for your convenience I have included a smaller PDF version of the drills that you can take to the range in your members area.
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